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IX Meeting and IV International Bioethics Symposium




The IX Meeting and IV International Bioethics Symposium of Mackenzie Presbyterian University, to be held between the 24th and 27th of September 2024, aims to disseminate the scientific production of researchers (teachers and students) and establish dialogue between peers, privileging a bioethical reflection on persistent and emerging themes.

Initiative of the Ethics and Bioethics Research Group (GPEB/CNPq), linked to the Postgraduate Program in Education, Art and History of Culture and the Philosophy course at the Center for Education, Philosophy and Theology (CEFT) at UPM, the The event aims to contribute to the dissemination of scientific production in the areas of Ethics and Bioethics, providing an interdisciplinary dialogue between undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and professionals from different areas of knowledge (Philosophy, Biological and Health Sciences, Sociology, Education , Environment, Law, Medicine, Psychology, among others), maintaining the plural character of Bioethics.

In addition to disseminating scientific production in the area of ​​Bioethics, through Oral Communications, Round Tables, Lectures, Workshop and Cine Debate, the event will allow partnerships between groups of researchers, with a view to improving the quality of scientific production in Bioethics.

In this edition we will have the presence of Prof. Dr. David DeGrazia (George Washington University - USA), Prof. Dr. Eduardo Díaz Amado (Director of the Institute of Bioethics at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana- Colombia), Prof. Dr. Kristine Bærøe (University of Oslo - Norway), in addition to renowned professors and researchers from our country: Profa. Dr. Patrícia Bataglia (UNESP); Prof. Dr. Jelson Oliveira (UFPR); Prof. Dr. Cláudio Lorenzo (UnB); Prof. Dr. Eduardo Diniz (USP-RP); Prof. Dr. Aline Albuquerque (UnB); Prof. Dr. João Cortese (USP/FJLES); Prof. Dr. Aluísio Seródio (EPM/UNIFESP); Prof. Dr. Valdir Paixão Jr (UNESP); Prof. Dr. Jean Pierre Chauvin (ECA-USP), among others.

The event will take place in person, broadcast on TV Mackenzie.

The Meeting is in partnership with the Bioethics Society of São Paulo.

Location: MackGraphe Auditorium – 5th floor of Building 30 (Lawson Annesley Building)



1 - Mackenzie Web TV, Streaming:

2- Mackenzie TV Youtube channel:

the live option will appear at the time of the event




Registration can be made, WITH or WITHOUT the presentation of work, exclusively online.

For listeners, the deadline will be the day the event starts, as long as there are places available.

For those who wish to present work, the deadline is 08/23/2024Extended until 09/01/2024.

In this edition, there is no registration fee.






Rules for submission of works (Abstracts)

To submit your work, you must be registered for the event.

Abstracts must be submitted exclusively through the online system using the button below .

Abstracts sent by e-mail, fax or other form of document transmission will not be accepted and will not be processed by the Scientific Committee.

Each Abstract may have up to six authors, and the rapporteur/presenter must be indicated at the time of registration, according to information in the online form.

Each registration will entitle you to participate in the event and to send (02) two abstracts as rapporteur/presenter.

In the submission form there is a specific field for the title of the work and the references (maximum five) that will not be considered in the word count.

Abstracts must contain a maximum of 400 words (summaries outside this limit will be automatically excluded by the system) and have their content divided, preferably, into: Introduction, Objectives, Methodological Procedures, Results, Discussion and Final Considerations.

The content of the abstract and presentation is the responsibility of the authors.

In the submission form there is a specific field for the Title of the work and the References (maximum five) which will not be considered in the word count.

At the end of the text, include three keywords in the specific field for them.

In Summaries it is possible to include only simple texts, without formatting, therefore it is not possible to insert figures, photos or tables.

Work resulting from research projects involving human beings and the use of animals must indicate in the abstract their approval by the Ethics Committees.

To submit the Abstract, the rapporteur/presenter must register.


Abstracts must be submitted within one of the following thematic areas :


  1. Bioethics and theoretical-philosophical foundation

  2. Bioethics and Education

  3. Bioethics, Human Rights and Legal Issues

  4. Bioethics and Life and Health Sciences

  5. Bioethics and Research Ethics (with humans and animals)

  6. ​Bioethics and Human Sciences

  7. Bioethics, Environment and Sustainability

  8. Bioethics and Emerging Technologies

  9. Bioethics and Religion (Theology)

  10. Other themes


Although we are encouraging in-person participation in the event, applicants whose work has been approved, as long as they reside in other units of the Federation or abroad, will be able to present it remotely.


Abstracts must be sent by August 23, 2024. Extended until September 1, 2024.

The Organizing Committee will not be responsible for the accommodation and travel expenses of those who have their abstracts approved.

The results of the evaluation will be communicated to the authors by email and the list and schedule of accepted abstracts will be available on the event website.

Rating criteria

The following evaluation criteria will be observed:

A) Originality and topicality of the theme;
B) Adequacy of the parts of the summary and clarity of the text;
C) Relevance of the content to Bioethics;
D) Methodology used (if applicable);
E) The use of the standard of the Portuguese language.

Rules for oral presentation

The presenter will have 10 minutes to present the work. There will be time for debate at the end of all presentations in the oral communications session, and the rapporteur/presenter must remain in the room for the debate.


The summaries of the works approved by the Scientific Committee will be published in the form of summaries in the Event Annals, in digital format, becoming available digitally.



• Monreale Higienópolis   150 meters   643 Dona Veridiana Street   (11) 3257-5288


• Tryp Higienópolis   900 meters   371 Maranhão Street   (11) 3665-8200 

São Paulo Higienópolis Affiliated by Meliá, hotel em São Paulo |


• Ca'd'Oro   900 meters   129 Augusta Street   (11) 3236-4300

Resumo de papel




Research Group on Ethics and Bioethics (GPEB/CNPq) of the Graduate Program in Education, Art and History of Culture and of the Philosophy Course at the Center for Education, Philosophy and Theology (CEFT) of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM).

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