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Jeison Arenhart de Bastiani 

CEO e co-fundador da ForLogic, conselheiro, investidor e sócio da Smart Value Investiment. 

CEO e co-fundador da ForLogic Software. Mestre em Engenharia da Produção pela UTFPR (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná), auditor líder pela ATSG na ISO9001 e 22000.  

20 anos de experiência em Qualidade, Excelência e Gestão. 

É criador do Blog da Qualidade (o maior blog sobre Qualidade do Brasil) e do Qualicast (o primeiro podcast nacional dedicado à qualidade). 

É conselheiro de empresas, investidor e sócio em outros negócios de tecnologia.  
Marido, pai e um inconformado de plantão. Acredita no poder da qualidade e que é possível fazer diferente.

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Adilson Lessio

"Bachelor of Business Administration (USCS) and Specialist in Business Digitalization Systems (Universidade Paulista).

He dedicated himself for several years to software engineering and IT infrastructure management in various industrial segments. He worked as a teacher in undergraduate courses in Business Administration and Information Technology, promoting the potential of IT for business management.

As an executive in ICT service providers, he led areas of solution architecture and business development, with a focus on IT and Corporate Management. Currently, at Tecnocomp Tecnologia e Serviços, he is dedicated to the business unit focused on the health sector, with an emphasis on ICT, Cybersecurity, Clinical Engineering and Hospital Engineering."

Marcelo Gabriele

Graduated in Electrical Engineering from UNISANTA, with specializations in Telecommunications Economics from IPEN and in Marketing from ESAM, Postgraduate in Clinical Engineering at Einstein. For 30 years, he dedicated himself to the IT and Telecommunications sector, developing his career in large technology companies, where he worked in technical, commercial and leadership roles. His work has always been aligned with the strategic objectives of organizations, ensuring customer satisfaction and meeting the interests of shareholders. Currently, at Tecnocomp Tecnologia e Serviços, he heads a business unit focused on the Healthcare ecosystem, focusing on Clinical Engineering and Hospital Engineering.

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David DeGrazia

David DeGrazia is Elton Professor of Philosophy, George Washington University. From July 2013 through June 2021 he was also Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Bioethics, National Institutes of Health. Most of his research is in moral philosophy and applied ethics. His most recent books are Dialogues on Gun Control (2023), A Theory of Bioethics (with Joseph Millum; 2021), and Principles of Animal Research Ethics (with Tom Beauchamp, 2020).

Kristine Bærøe

Kristine Bærøe is professor in medical ethics and philosophy of science at Centre for Medical Ethics, University of Oslo, Norway, and at the Medical Faculty, University of Bergen, Norway. Her research focuses broadly and a variety of issues in the intersection of health, ethics and politics. She has published extensively on Translational Bioethics, sustainable ethics for the healthcare sector, the ethics of AI in healthcare, socioeconomic determinants of health and access to healthcare, responsibility for health-related choices, trustworthy healthcare, research ethics and priority setting in healthcare.

João Cortese (IB-USP)

​Professor of Philosophy at the USP Biosciences Institute, linked to the Department of Genetics and Evolutionary Biology. Biophilo Coordinator - Philosophy and Biology Laboratory, IB-USP (@bio_filo_lab). PhD in Epistemology and History of Science from the Université de Paris 7 and PhD in Philosophy from USP (co-tutorship). Graduated in Molecular Sciences from USP and master in History and Philosophy of Science from the Université de Paris 7. Researcher associated with the SPHERE Laboratory (Université Paris Cité and CNRS) and the Bioethics Center of the José Luiz Egydio Setúbal Foundation. Coordinator of the Ethics area of ​​the "Understanding Artificial Intelligence" (UAI) initiative, at IEA-USP. Member of the Brazilian Association of Philosophy and History of Biology (ABFHiB).

João Adalberto Campato Jr.

Master and Doctor in Letters from UNESP. Post-doctorates from USP, UNICAMP, UERJ and UFMS. Professor and researcher of the Interdisciplinary Master's Program in Environmental Sciences at Universidade Brasil (UB). Professor at FATEC in Adamantina and Coordinator of Scientific Journals at UNIESP S.A.

Aluísio Seródio

Doctor, specialist in Bioethics from USP and PhD in Sciences. Professor of the Bioethics Sector of the Department of Surgery and Deputy Coordinator of the Medicine course at the Escola Paulista de Medicina at the Federal University of São Paulo. Lines of Research: Health education. Bioethics and Medical Ethics.

Patrícia Bataglia

Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of Educational Psychology and the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sciences at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp- Marília).


Eduardo Diaz Amado

He is currently the Director of the Bioethics Institute of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia. He is a doctor from the National University of Colombia and a psychoanalyst member of the Colombian Society of Psychoanalysis, with undergraduate studies in Philosophy and Literature at the University of Los Andes and a Specialist in Bioethics from the Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia. He has a PhD in Philosophy and a Master's degree in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine from the University of Durham, United Kingdom. At the moment he participates in different academic and research projects related to the history of bioethics, medical ethics, psychoanalysis and health humanities, among others.
Among his most recent publications are:
• Díaz Amado E. (2024) Critical Bioethical Approach to Health Crisis Scenarios. In: Irene Cambra-Badii, Ester Busquets-Alibés, Núria Terribas Sala, Josep-Eladi Baños, Bioethics: Foundations, Applications and Future Challenges. London/New York: Routledge & CRC Press Books - Taylor & Francis Group.
• Aguiar-Martínez L, Díaz-Amado E, Castellanos-Ochoa ME, Guerra-Murillo MJ, PulidoAntolínez V, Perilla-Orduz A, Moreno Luna IdS, Zapata Monsalve BdS, Escobar Munévar JM. (2023) Experiences of the standardized patient in the LGBTI population and victims of sexual violence: a focus group study. Univ. 64(4). 0.11144/Javeriana.umed64-4.vpep
• Díaz Amado E. (2023) From inexorable death to chosen death. Colomb Méd. 53(4):e4015619 https://doi: 10.25100/cm.v53i4.5619

Jelson Oliveira

Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. CNPq researcher, with research productivity grant (Pq2). He is currently deputy coordinator of professional programs in the area of ​​Philosophy at CAPES. He has a degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Paraná (1999), a specialization in Political Sociology and a master's degree in History of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy from the same University (2004) and a PhD in Philosophy from the Federal University of São Carlos, with research on Friendship in Nietzsche . He completed a postdoctoral internship at the University of Exeter (United Kingdom), with a CAPES scholarship (2016) and at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2022). He is a member of the CNPq Hans Jonas Research Group, coordinator of the Hans Jonas GT; member of the GT on Philosophy of Technology and Technique and the Nietzsche GT of ANPOF (National Association of Postgraduate Studies in Philosophy). He is the founding director of the Hans Jonas Chair at PUCPR, created in 2020.

Cláudio Lorenzo

Professor at the Department of Public Health at the University of Brasília (UnB), Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Bioethics and the Postgraduate Program in Public Health at the same university. He has a postdoctoral degree in Sociology from UnB. He is coordinator of the Public Health Studies Center of the DF linked to the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies at UnB.

Aline Albuquerque

Visiting Researcher at the Bonavero Institute for Human Rights at the University of Oxford. Post-Doctorate in Human Rights and Visiting Researcher at the Center for Human Rights at the University of Essex, England. Post-Doctorate in Human Right to Health and Visiting Researcher at the Human Rights Institute at Emory University, United States. PhD in Health Sciences, area of ​​concentration in Bioethics, from the University of Brasília and the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Accredited Professor of the Postgraduate Course in Bioethics at the University of Brasília and of the Specialization Course in Bioethics of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics. Professor of Human Rights at UniCEUB. Professor of the Specialization Course in Medical Law at UERJ, of the Specialization Course in Health Law at FIOCRUZ. Professor of Human Rights at the UniCEUB Postgraduate Course. Associate Researcher at the Diplomacy and Health Center at FIOCRUZ. Union Lawyer. Brasília/DF, Brazil.


Valdir Paixão Jr

PhD in Sociology from UNESP (FCLAR, 2008). Master in Religious Sciences from the Methodist University of São Paulo (UMESP, 2000). Graduated in Philosophy and Pedagogy.

He has a post-doctorate in Bioethics from Centro Universitário São Camilo. He is a teacher and researcher in the Department of Human Sciences and Nutrition and Food Sciences of the Biosciences Institute of the Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Botucatu campus. He works in the research lines “Education, bioethics and Human Rights” and “Bioethics, biotechnology and responsibility: studies in Hans Jonas”. He is a full member of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu and the Human Rights Education Observatory of UNESP. He was Regional Education Director (SEESP) and Municipal Secretary of Education (2017-2020). He currently works as an Advisor to the Rector's Office at UNESP.

Rosana Louro Ferreira Silva

He is a professor at the USP Biosciences Institute - Department of Zoology, where he coordinates the Research Group on Environmental Education and Educator Training. He has training and research collaborations in the construction of public policies with the Environmental Education Center of the Municipal Department of Education of São Paulo, with the Environmental Education Advisory of the Fundação Florestal and with CEMADEN Education. She is a permanent advisor in the postgraduate program "Interunits in Science Teaching" at USP and in the Professional Master's Program in Fauna Conservation, at the Federal University of São Carlos. She currently coordinates the research project "Equity and sustainability in the articulation between curricula, pedagogical practices and teacher training in public schools in São Paulo" financed by FAPESP.


Paulo Henrique Martinez

Associate Professor at the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Department of History of the Faculty of Sciences and Letters of Assis. Professional experience in the areas of Humanities and public policies on citizenship, culture, education, environment, organization and social participation. Institutional action focused on technical cooperation, sustainability, social and cultural innovation at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO/UN), Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT/Portugal). He has developed international experience in research and teaching in collaboration with universities, cultural institutions, working groups, thematic meetings and professionals from countries in Latin America, Canada, China, Spain, Israel and Portugal. Coordinates the History and Environment Laboratory (LABHIMA), Research Group/CNPq. Member of the Interdisciplinary Network for Studies on Water Management/ Red Interdisciplinaria de Estudios sobre Gestión del Agua - América/Europe (RIEGA) and the Brazilian Research and Studies Center (BRaS) at the University of Würzburg/Germany. Associate Professor in Environmental History at the University São Paulo State. PhD in Social History. Post-Doctorate at Museu Paulista, University of São Paulo (2006). CNPq Researcher: Research Productivity Grant - 2.

Jean Pierre Chauvin

Associate Professor at the School of Communications and Arts (USP), where he researches and teaches Brazilian Culture and Literature. Accredited in the Postgraduate Program in Comparative Studies of Portuguese Language Literatures (FFLCH, USP), he has dedicated himself to the study of courtesy treatises and Portuguese-Brazilian poems that circulated during the 18th century. Organized, with Marcelo Lachat, As Letras na Terra do Brasil (16th to 18th century), published by Ateliê in 2022.

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